Letter to Brian Woods, Superintendent of the Texas Northside Independent School District - Demanding Answers for Radical 'Equity' Instruction Given to Fifth-Graders


By: Chip Roy
By: Chip Roy
Date: March 17, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: K-12 Education

Dear Superintendent Woods,

I am alarmed by recent reports that Northside Independent School District (NISD) teachers conducted a radical social experiment on fifth-grade students without parental consent or knowledge. Any attempts by teachers to override parental authority to infuse radical critical race theory-based ideology into school curricula must be immediately addressed.

According to said reports, teachers at Leon Spring Elementary School, just outside of San Antonio, subjected their fifth-grade class to an "equity" lesson in which they segregated 10-year-old children by hair color, labeling the dark-haired ones as "privileged" and the light-haired ones as "not as intelligent." The teachers then reportedly instructed the light-haired students to clean up after the "privileged" ones. Finally, the teachers were said to show the class clips from the film "4 Little Girls," which depicts graphic images of dead black children. One parent shared that -- following the lesson -- her child was so upset from the film's graphic imagery that she was unable to sleep alone in her own room that night.

San Antonio parents are deeply disturbed not only by this blatant attempt to circumvent their authority, but also that this radical teaching was allowed to infiltrate their children's schools. As you are aware, on June 15, 2021, Governor Abbott signed into law House Bill 3979, which prohibits educators from teaching students that "one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex," or that "individuals should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of the individual's race." Therefore, this "equity" lesson appears to be a direct and deliberate violation of Texas law. Students should never be taught to view each other through the lens of race.

Therefore, I request answers to the follow questions:

1. Was any federal funding used for the teaching of this "lesson"?

2. Who approved the teaching of this "lesson", and when was it approved?

3. Did Leon Springs Elementary School notify parents of this activity ahead of time? If not, why not?

4. What measures is Northside ISD taking to ensure this or similar exercises are not taught again?

Thank you for attention to this important matter; I look forward to your response.
